Ulcer disease symptoms, causes and treatment

Diposting oleh OL Shop on Minggu, 22 September 2013

     Ulcer disease symptoms, causes and treatment - Medically, heartburn is defined as a collection of symptoms (syndrome) pain or discomfort in the pit of the stomach, upper gastrointestinal tract and surrounding organs. Accompanying symptoms such as nausea, bloating, early satiety, decreased appetite, even to vomiting and diarrhea.

Ulcer disease can be grouped into two categories, namely functional heartburn and stomach ulcers organic. Here's the explanation:

1. Functional heartburn, the heartburn that if further testing with diteropong upper gastrointestinal tract (endoscopy) found no anatomical abnormalities.

2. Organic heartburn, which when examined with the endoscope will be anatomical abnormalities found. For example, injuries to the stomach and duodenum, the esophagus and gastric polyps and cancers in the digestive organs.
  • mild ulcer
Mild ulcer still relatively mild stage where everyone usually already in this stage, if the examination will look at the excess stomach acid wall.
  • chronic gastritis
Chronic ulcers are ulcers that have severe heartburn intensity were compared, the possibility of inflammation or injury to the gastric mucosa.
  • gastric cancer
This is a very dangerous stage and requires immediate medical attention.

And the following are some of the symptoms of heartburn :

1. Burning pain as being the most common sign of an ulcer. The pain of peptic ulcer was felt from the breastbone down to your navel. The pain can last a few minutes or a few hours and can come and go just like that. This attack will be worse at night or when your stomach is empty. You can find help with eating certain foods or taking medicine that can reduce acid in the stomach.

2. Vomiting blood and acid from the stomach is a sure sign of gastric ulcers. If it gets like this you should immediately see a doctor.

3. Nausea and vomiting be a sign of an ulcer. Vomiting often occurs to relieve nausea experienced by patients with gastric ulcer.

4. Take a look at your shit. Feces ulcer patients can be black or bloody like. Notify your doctor. Ulcer bleeding and untreated can lead to anemia and other complications. 

And how to treat it is as follows :

1. Turmeric
Properties of turmeric to heal wounds that have been reported since 1953. Case studies for abdominal pain due to peptic ulcers, after 12 weeks of treatment, 88% of patients who received turmeric pills (3 pills, which is equivalent to 4 g) showed improvement and one case incurable.
How: required 2 finger turmeric. Peeled and cleaned, shredded, and boiled water added. After that, squeezed through a clean cloth. The result allowed to stand and take water. In a day and drink 2 times, each one herb. Drink it in the morning before eating and at night before sleeping.

2. Aloe vera (Aloe vera)
Aloenin Magnesiun lactate and aloe vera leaves are identified to inhibit gastric acid secretion.
How: Gel about 1 sheet of fresh aloe vera leaf, taken for a drink. In a day and need to drink as much as 2 times. To improve the taste of the gel can be given honey to taste. Pregnant women should not consume this herb.

3. Powder (Kaempferia galanga)
How: 1 finger rhizome. Rhizome washed peeled and chewed with salt as needed. After finely chewed, swallowed kencur, followed by drinking warm water. This is done 3 times a day.

4. Grass jelly (Cylea barbata)
How: 1 handheld leaf grass jelly (approx 80 grams wet weight). Leaves washed and finely ground. Then kneaded with water and filtered cooking necessary, given the whiting water as necessary so quickly becomes thick. After clot eaten with sugar water or syrup. In this way the day is done 3 times, each with a cup size of approximately 200 cc.

    so this post about Ulcer disease symptoms, causes and treatment . May be usefull.

More aboutUlcer disease symptoms, causes and treatment

How to cure diabetes naturally

Diposting oleh OL Shop on Jumat, 20 September 2013

    How to cure diabetes naturally - Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder caused by many factors, with simtoma form of chronic hyperglycemia and impaired metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, as a result of insulin secretion, insulin activity, or glucose transporter. Discussed in the provious post about How to cope with toothache naturally.

How to cure diabetes naturally

Causes of Diabetes Mellitus :
  • heredity
  • Overweight / obesity usually occurs at age 40 years
  • High blood pressure
  • Figures triglycerid (a type of fat molecule) that high
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Modern lifestyles are likely to consume instant food
  • Meroko and stress
  • Consume too many carbohydrates
  • Damage to the pancreas cells
Symptoms That Occurred In Patients with Diabetes Miletus :

  • Excessive waste water (Polyuria)
  • Excessive thirst feeling so much drinking (poloidipsi)
  • Weight loss is significant
  • Eat a lot because of feelings of excessive hunger (polifagi)
  • Blurred vision, nausea, dizziness, and decreased endurance

And than Traditional Treatment Method With Turmeric:
Turmeric (Curcuma domestic) including one of the herbs and medicinal plants, plant native habitat includes the territory of Asia, especially Southeast Asia. These plants then the distribution to the Indo-Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia and even Africa. Almost everyone Indonesia and India and Asian nations generally have to consume this herb plants, either as a complementary seasoning, herbs or to maintain health and beauty. [Source Text]

Local names:
Saffron (UK), turmeric (Netherlands), Turmeric (Indonesia), turmeric (Java), Koneng (Sunda), Konyet (Madura);

Curable Disease:
Diabetes mellitus, Typhoid, appendix, dysentery, vaginal discharge Pain; Menstruation is not smooth, stomach heartburn during menstruation, breastfeeding Streamlining; tonsils, mucous stools, Morbili, Cangkrang (Waterproken);

Chemical Ingredients:
Turmeric contains medicinal compounds, called curcuminoids consisting of curcumin, desmetoksikumin and bisdesmetoksikurkumin and other benefits substances Substance Ingredients: Curcumin: R1 = R2 = OCH3 10% Demetoksikurkumin: R1 = OCH3, R2 = H 1-5% Bisdemetoksikurkumin : R1 = R2 = H rest Essential oils / volatile oil (sesquiterpene ketone, turmeron, tumeon 60%, 25% zingiberen, felandren, sabinen, borneol and sineil) Fat 1 -3%, 3% carbs, 30% Protein, Starch 8 %, 45-55% Vitamin C, mineral salts (iron, phosphorus, and calcium) were

Traditional materials Diabetes Mellitus Drugs:
  • 3 rhizome of turmeric, 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • How to Make Traditional Medicine Diabetes:
  • the ingredients are boiled with 1 liter of water to a boil,
  • then filtered, taken 2 times a week 1/2 cup.
  So this post about How to cure diabetes naturally.
More aboutHow to cure diabetes naturally

How to cope with toothache naturally

Diposting oleh OL Shop

     How to cope with toothache naturally - In previous posts I have discussed about - How to Increase Weight Rapidly and this time I will discuss about  How to cure toothache ,

probably many of you who know , because this disease is one of the very common disease suffered by the public . Most communities , especially Indonesia had never had the name sedah ​​toothache and many say that the toothache would indeed be very disturbing . However , there is still much worse than a toothache , because the song was a state that is better than the toothache hurt right?
Return discussed about how to cure toothache , it turns out you can do not only with the use of chemical drugs such as mefenamic acid or pain relievers others . You can also take advantage of some of the ingredients that are around if . Well, then how do I treat the toothache ? On occasion this time admin will share info about how to treat toothache . If you are interested , please refer to the following description .

How to Treat Pain Naturally cavities


Obviously this material is familiar to you all because this material can easily be found in the kitchen . Salt is one of the compulsory condiment used in cooking , has a distinctive flavor that is very salty . You can use salt in the way of treating toothache is by dissolving the salt in a glass of water then you use to rinse his mouth . To a solution of this salt you should not swallow , use only a dessert course .

Basically cause tooth pain is due to an infection caused by the bacteria in the teeth and therefore , you can take advantage starfruit starfruit because in itself it contains antibacterial substances . You can do this the way to treat toothache by chewing starfruit with a pinch of salt , use a tooth ache to chew . It was initially would appear incredible pain , but after feeling pain will slowly disappear .


One of these herbs can also help relieve your dental pain . In addition , red onion also took part in eradicating the bacteria that grow in the mouth you . You can take advantage of this onion with shallots chew using your teeth are sore .


In addition to the red onion , garlic it can be utilized in a way to treat toothache . The trick was almost the same with the garlic munching use your teeth are sore and you should know , garlic has been able to increase the strength of your teeth you know.

Well , that's a brief description on how to give admin can treat toothache . Hopefully can provide benefits for you especially at this time had a toothache , hopefully a speedy recovery
More aboutHow to cope with toothache naturally

How to Increase Weight Rapidly

Diposting oleh OL Shop on Rabu, 18 September 2013

In previous posts I have discussed about-Cause skinny body, and this time I will discuss about - How to Increase Weight Rapidly - The ideal body is a dream for every person , but excessive weight is also not good . For some people untukmeningkatkan weight is hard difficult job easy .

Some people are very easy to add to her weight , but there is also a very difficult , despite a variety of ways and spend a lot of costs , but the result is still zero . weight was not increased .
The essence of weight gain is making the calories into your body is greater than that released by your body . Increase the calories can be done by increasing the size of the meal . In order for weight gain that occurs is in the form of muscle exercise meal needs to be done anyway , if the exercise is forgotten it will only add body fat .

Adding Weight Loss Tips that SehatUntuk gain weight fast but still healthy , the following tips.

Eat often . More frequent meals will make more and more calories into the body , rather than just one meal with big portions .
Add Portion Eating . By eating more , the number of calories in the more , because you need 500 more calories than the body needs to improve fallow body
Eat Right proportions . Looking at the composition of nutrients into your body . Because you also exercise eating protein do not forget to multiply
Multivitamin consumption . If you feel a lack of vitamins and minerals then you can eat a multivitamin to supplement it .
Drinking Water . Water will help you improve the digestive system .
Fruit consumption . Consuming fruits like avocados , can help .
Avoid Drinking Before Lunch . Because it will make the stomach satiety .
Snacking . By snacking can certainly add calories .
Sports do not forget to be abandoned , because it can form an ideal body and sehat.Berikut are setting schedules to promote weight loss .

Adding Weight Loss Plan
Breakfast ( eg fried rice , coffè , chicken porridge )
add protein meat , chicken , eggs , fish
Drink 1 glass of milk

Eating bread / biscuits
Drink 1 glass of milk

Full lunch
Carbohydrates , Protein , Vegetables , Fruits
Drink mineral water or juice

Snack / pudding / fruit / soup
Drink one glass of milk / fruit setup

( preferably one hour before bedtime )
full menu
Carbohydrates , Protein , Vegetables , Fruits
Drink mineral water or juice

ten minutes before bed
Drink one glass of milk

Currently, there are many supplements on the market of milk to gain weight , which is high in protein . It's not fat but protein , good fat is because that has the ideal muscle mass , so that the body toned and healthy . And protein is a nutrient that the body needs in building muscles. Thus , consumption of milk enhancer supplements weight badanyang recommended , is that it contains high protein .

If you do the above tips to gain weight properly and discipline . When the weight you 've gained one to two pounds in one month , it means you 've managed to do weight program .

so post how to gain weight fast , may be useful
More aboutHow to Increase Weight Rapidly

cause skinny body

Diposting oleh Unknown

   Cause skinny body - in my previous post I have discussed about How To Whiten Teeth . Here are some things that can be the cause of why your body skinny :
cause skinny body

1 . Genetic factors

Genetic factors are also called hereditary factors which every person must have the gene in each cell that exist in the body . Genes are inherited trait determinant of both parents , whether it's recessive or dominant . Well , including posture can also be genetically influenced . Thin can also derived from the genetic parents . May also parents we are not skinny , but ask them if there is a great-great grandparents skinny . That's called a recessive gene factor .

2 . Too Many Thoughts and Stress

Thinking has always been a hallmark of human beings than others . However , too much thinking will also lead to stress . Thinking also requires power , if we continue to think and not balanced well-balanced meals and breaks , there will be an overhaul of fat and protein in your body. Which resulted in a reshuffle that our muscles shrink aka skinny .

3 . Nutrient intake less

Nutrition deficiencies can cause our bodies thin . Because the body does not not get appropriate nutrition . For example, irregular diet and rarely eat meals including four of five perfectly healthy like eggs , vegetables , milk and so on

4 . Consuming less Mineral Water ( Less Drinking )

Water is one of the most important for humans because most of the molecules making up the human body is water . How often do you drink in a day ? How gelaskah you drink every day ? Has a thin body can also be caused by not drinking , impaired digestion as a result . Drink 8 glasses per day minimum is large . Should we prefer the drinking water other than water because water is rich in minerals puith different from other water already contains many chemicals which of course is very dangerous for our body .

5 . Less Break / Too much staying up

So that the whole body can work optimally course we have to balance andara activities , meals and rest . If not there will be a disruption in our body . This problem usually occurs in those who often work overtime until their sleep time consumed by the job .

6 . Consuming Alcoholic Drinks Too Much

You need to know , for those of you who think that by eating excessive junk food you will be fat , it's wrong . Eating junk food like pizzas , burgers , and other junk food became a way to gain weight is wrong . You will be at risk of heart disease because of bad cholesterol in the blood high . Junk food contains fewer calories and lots of fat . Alcohol also contains fewer calories that do not add to your weight significantly. Alcohol will make your stomach filled with gas and it was full so that your appetite will decrease .

7 . Lacking Sports

Sports such trivial things so many people who do not mementingkannya . Though orahraga very beneficial for maintaining a healthy body . People whose lives will be less susceptible to exercise his body so that the disease will cause your body to be thin .

      so this post about Cause skinny body
More aboutcause skinny body

How To Whiten Teeth

Diposting oleh Unknown on Selasa, 17 September 2013

      How To Whiten Teeth , Previous post about How to remove blackheads on the face . Teeth is an important organ that allows you to rip or chew food while eating . besides the teeth is also very closely related to our appearance . Because when we smile or laugh or talk then we will always be visible teeth .

Dental problems such as tooth loss can , cavities or that we often encounter is yellow teeth . The problem actually does not have to happen if we do not make a habit which can cause . Yellow teeth is a typical problem we often see . The main causes of yellow teeth are usually due to smoking and because we are less able to maintain hygiene and dental health .
And here's how to whiten teeth naturally :

  • As we know , smoking is very bad habits that harm our health . one of the causes of yellow teeth is smoking , so if you want to have white teeth color , then we have to stop smoking .
Avoid Alcohol
  • Alcohol is a very dangerous substance as well . These substances can make bad breath and other health problems one of which dental health . Alcohol has the property damage teeth if consumed continuously.
  • Satulagi beneficial foods for teeth that cheese . Eating cheese after a big meal is very good for the teeth . Cheese and other products such as yogurt and milk contains calcium which can whiten and strengthen teeth .
After rinsing
  • Rinse after eating or if necessary brush your teeth after eating can help us from yellow teeth because there are some substances contained in foods that can be left on our teeth and cause yellow teeth . But if we are diligent in rinsing after eating , the food sisa2 be dangerous to have minimal gear .
Rubbing diligent Dental
  • Menggosk teeth is one way to keep your teeth from the remains of the food we eat . Brush your teeth before bed is very important in making our teeth clean and white , because we will clean the teeth damaging substances that are stuck digigi when we eat .
  • Apples can work as a natural toothbrush and can be used as a tooth whitener . When we chew apples then rub against him and Gigi will be to lift the stain without damaging the teeth . Eat fruits and vegetables after a big meal .
  • The content of malic acid in strawberries efficacious to change the color of your teeth will be whiter . a dentist in New York explained that the strawberries are an inexpensive way to brighten your smile . However , do not use too often , the content of acid can damage tooth enamel . How, one mashed ripe strawberry and rub it on the teeth . Let stand for five to 10 minutes . Then brush your teeth with toothpaste .
Chewing Gum
  • Chewing gum can also become a habit that can make our teeth to be white . certainly not indiscriminate chewing gum but only a few types of gum that contain Xylitol
baking Soda
  • One more well-known natural ingredients to whiten teeth , namely baking soda . Baking soda has properties that can remove stains on the tooth surface .
Diligently to the dentist
  • One way if we already have yellow teeth is to go to the dentist on the dental treatment that is given us .

     Gear is very necessary in case his health because it is a very important one . so this post about   How To Whiten Teeth. may be useful.
More about How To Whiten Teeth

How to remove blackheads on the face

Diposting oleh OL Shop

How to remove blackheads on the face - the previous post we have discussed about How To Eliminate Scars.dan this time I will discuss about How to Remove Blackheads face with a beautiful face may now not enough for some people . Health and smoothness and texture of the skin clean and smooth also need to be considered to support the beauty of the face .

How to remove blackheads on the face
One skin disorder primarily of blackheads on the face is actually just clogged pores by excretion of oils in the skin . Characteristics blackheads are formed as black spots , same with black spots , but smaller . generally result in blackheads nose so itchy . moreover there terasanya like worms crawling inside our noses .

Here is a safe and accurate way to gradually get rid of blackheads on your face .

Often to moisturize the face
- Attach a warm wet cloth every night for 15 minutes on the face .
- It will lift dead skin cells , dirt , and other particles clog the pores .
- After use , boil the cloth in boiling water to kill germs and bacteria .

Use Honey
- Warm a little honey and apply on the face of blackheads .
- Wash your face after 10 minutes .
- Honey acts as a natural moisturizer as well as remove blackheads .

Give a Steam Facial
- Put your face on the mangguk boiling water so water vapor touches the skin .
- To get maximum steam , cover your head with a towel .
- Then , use a mixture of honey and sugar for scrubbing .
- This will get rid of blackheads as well as soften your skin .
- Do it at least once a week

Wearing masks topical
For owner - oily skin , try using a mask made ​​from clay in order to reduce the oil in the skin .
- Choose a mask that does not contain mint , peppermint or other irritating ingredients cause .
- Better to use materials that do not contain added fragrance .

Lifting Mask Blackheads
- Make repellent mask blackheads by mixing lime juice , almond oil and glycerin .
- Apply on face for a few minutes . This will not only help reduce blackheads , but also get rid of dark spots acne scars on the face .

Selective in choosing cosmetics
- Avoid using creamy cosmetics and oils that can increase the chances of blackheads .

Well , so many tips in short , may be useful .
More aboutHow to remove blackheads on the face

How to eliminate scars

Diposting oleh OL Shop on Senin, 16 September 2013

      How To Eliminate Scars Naturally With Quick - which I 've previously posted about How to Cure Shortness of Breath .
This time I will post on how to get rid of scars . here's how :

How To Eliminate Scars
1 . each course will tiduk Olesin kerosene .

2 . you know what fern ? try looking young fern continued break in the stem and rub the sap scar / rot before bed , 2 weeks , hopefully get lost like me ..

3 . Take tea stale or that has been used . When using tea bags , open the packaging until the leaves look . The tea rub on the body that there is a scar . Do it like being put on the body part . Let stand briefly about 10-15 minutes . Perform routine at least twice a week .

4 . Take bitter melon fruit , mashed and take water or juice. Mix the water with the flour to form a creamy rice . Flush the scar to be removed with warm water . Apply regularly on the scar . This herb can also be done to whiten the face or body .

5 . Take part in the egg white . Separate and add the honey and stir until evenly distributed . Apply on the scars regularly . This herb can also be used to remove spots on face .

6 . Soak rice for 15 minutes , remove from heat and mash until smooth . Kencur some mashed fruit until smooth and mixed with rice earlier . After evenly sprinkle on the scar every day for two weeks .

7 . Take the onion seeds and puree . After a smooth paste on the scar part . Shallots can also be used to heal burns

8 . Believe it or not , the content of whitening toothpaste can remove the scar . Do I apply as often as possible on the scar to be removed . Let stand for 15-30 minutes on a regular basis . Clean with warm water .

9 . Coldness of ice will relieve itchy skin . Wrap ice cubes in a cloth or small towel and compress to relieve mosquito bite itch .

10 . Besides good to relieve sore throat , honey is also good for relieving inflammation of the skin . " Honey is very good for relieving all inflamed , suggesting to mix water and honey with a ratio of 1:3 , then dip a cotton bud and dab the spots the mosquito bite .

11 . Lemon has anti-inflammatory and substance containing anesthetic effect , dip the cotton into the juice and apply to the affected skin bites .

12 . Dip a cloth into the mixture of fresh milk and water , then kompreskan on mosquito bites . This solution can make the itching subsided .

13 . Inflamed skin from mosquito bites can be treated by soaking in a bath of water mixed with baking soda , with a ratio of 1:3 . This mixture will help relieve the itching to skin irritation .

14 . Transverse slices of garlic , then put on mosquito bites . Besides can help relieve itching due to mosquito bites , garlic can also help overcome the wounds of the skin . Let stand for 20-30 minutes , then apply again the next day .

15 . Rub aloe vera gel to the skin that has black scars mosquito bites , and let stand as long as possible ( up to 8 hours ) . During the 8 -hour interval , repeat treatment if necessary . Not only the former mosquito , blackened scar on the skin and can be addressed very effectively with aloe vera , especially when done on a regular basis .

16 . Yam has a natural effect can eliminate dark spots of skin . Yam puree and rubbed on a mosquito bite , leave as long as possible in the skin .

17 . Potatoes have a natural bleaching effect . Make the potato juice and rubbed on a mosquito bite , leave as long as possible in the skin .

18 . Cut the radishes as small as possible , then soak in milk for half an hour . Radish that has been soaked and then rubbed into the skin mosquito bite black scars .

19 . After eating bananas do not waste the skin , apply to the former black mosquito bites . Similarly with watermelon . After eating watermelon , the rest in the form of a hard outer coating rubbed into black scars mosquito bites , then rinse with cold water .

20 . The most traditional cigarette ash
     So this post how to eliminate scars may beuseful
More aboutHow to eliminate scars

How to Cure Shortness of Breath

Diposting oleh Unknown on Kamis, 12 September 2013

   How to Cure Shortness of Breath - Shortness of breath is a difficulty in breathing while activities especially activities that require a lot of power. Shortness of breath could be dangerous if not taken seriously can even cause death.

Shortness of breath can be the beginning of the arrival of other diseases such as asthma and blood clot in the lungs. Shortness of breath also called dyspnea appearance with sometimes unexpected, unusual shortness of breath come when the weather is cold. Shortness of breath is also sometimes caused by pregnancy.

Shortness of breath can affect anyone, young children, elderly or young shortness of breath is a disease that takes a long time to heal, especially for acute shortness of breath already. Acute shortness of breath that can result in the sufferer has to be no appetite and make the body becomes weak, and not able to work just like everyone else.

Here there is an easy recipe to cure shortness of breath that can be done at home:

How to Cure Shortness of breath is the first with lemon.

How provide one lemon, two onions, a chicken egg, one tablespoon of coffee, a piece of rock candy.

Do I take the juice squeezed lime juice, grated onion and mixed with eggs range chickens, coffee and sugar cubes. Hot water then mix all the ingredients are mixed then stir it into flat and filtered. Drink filtered water every morning after breakfast earlier.

How to Cure Shortness of Breath latter uses lemongrass.

The trick ten stalks lemongrass take the washing up and then boiled with two glasses of water. Braised lemongrass mixed with brown sugar to taste. Wait until the cooking water had left a cup and then removed. Strain before drinking.

More aboutHow to Cure Shortness of Breath

How to eliminate fatigue on the body

Diposting oleh Unknown

    How to eliminate fatigue on the body - The easiest way we can do that is with a quick break. But actually there are a few tips to help you relieve fatigue on your body. health tips, the following will discuss thoroughly. Here are tips to eliminate fatigue on your body:

How to eliminate fatigue on the body
  • Get used to breakfast in the morning before starting your activity. This is because with breakfast each morning before the move the mind and condition your body to be more stable than those who skipped breakfast. So that fatigue can be reduced or even disappear on your body in between your activities with regular breakfast pagil
  • Eat regularly with a variety of foods that contain the nutrients required by our body, be it carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals and foods that have high fiber content. So keep you from feeling tired after a long day, because our bodies maintained their health and make our body more stable.
  • Eat foods that contain fiber. This dikarenan with emphasis on fibrous foods will give you more energy in our body. So it is not easily tired in all our activities.
  • Drink water our body needs. The most well which is 8 glasses a day can be. This is because water will facilitate the flow of blood to all the cells and organs of our body. So the faster circulation and fatigue will be reduced.
  • Listening to music that you like is one of the effective ways to relieve fatigue that exists in your body. so after the move does not hurt to listen to music that you like to sit back. This will help eliminate the fatigue.
  • See the comedy show that aired on television also able to eliminate fatigue you experience after the move. With a laugh off all the burden on the tired mind and your body will disappear without you realizing it.
   So this post about How to eliminate fatigue on the body . May be useful for you.

last Article :Best Food For Your BodyHow to remove acne scars on face

More aboutHow to eliminate fatigue on the body

Causes of Kidney Disease

Diposting oleh Unknown

    Causes of Kidney DiseaseKidney is one of the tools expenses (excretion) in the body, shaped like a bean whose function is to filter impurities from the blood and throw it together with water in the form of urine. If the kidneys can not perform its function would be fatal to the body, and in the world of medicine known as kidney failure. In order to prevent the occurrence of kidney disease in our bodies, then we need to know what are the things that can cause kidney disease and type it.

Type of kidney disease in the two diseases, namely acute renal failure and chronic kidney disease each type has a different cause the following descriptions:

Causes of Acute Renal Disease
Causes of acute kidney disease can be divided into three major groups, namely:
Pre-renal causes, ie, reduced blood flow to the kidneys. It can be caused by:
  • hypovolemia (blood volume is less), for example due to heavy bleeding.
  • Dehydration due to fluid loss, such as vomiting, diarrhea, sweating and fever.
  • Dehydration due to lack of fluid intake.
  • Drugs, such as diuretics that cause excessive discharge in the form of urine.
  • Interruption of blood flow to the kidneys caused by obstruction of the renal vasculature.
Where the cause of renal damage occurs in the kidney.
  • Sepsis: The body's immune system is redundant because there is an infection that causes inflammation and damage to the kidneys.
  • The drugs are toxic to the kidney.
  • Rhabdomyolysis: muscle damage resulting in damaged muscle fibers clog the kidney filtration system. This can occur due to trauma or severe burns.
  • Multiple myeloma.
  • Acute inflammation of the glomeruli, systemic lupus erythematosus, Wegener's granulomatosis, and Goodpasture syndrome.
More aboutCauses of Kidney Disease

Best Food For Your Body

Diposting oleh Unknown on Jumat, 06 September 2013

    Best Food For Your Body - A healthy diet is one important thing, especially for your body. Choosing nutritious foods and contain a variety of nutrients to the body indeed easy bother . This is because , different types of food in consumption usually contain nutrients that are good for only one organ . So it is important to know the different types of food is needed by all organs of your body . Health tips , here are the best foods for a healthy body :
Best Food For Your Body

  • Various types of fruits . Fruits are very good for nourishing your body . This is because , a variety of fruits are a source of fiber and vitamin C which serves to keep the immune system to keep it healthy , fit and fit throughout the day .
  • Various types of fish . This is because , different kinds of fish such as tuna and sardines contain lots of omega 3 fatty acids . Omega-3 fatty acids may act to maintain the health of your heart organ .
  • Assorted greens . Spinach is one of the most important foods to meet nutritional requirements needed by the brain organ . This is because , spinach contains vitamin B9 that play a role in improving memory skills associated with intelligence itself.
  • Carrots . This is one of the foods that are needed by the body to nourish the organs khususunya your vision . This is because , carrots are a source of vitamin A and beta carotene which acts kebuhan sufficient nutrients for you who want the eye organs healthy .
  • Avocado fruits , one fruit is also very good for maintaining a healthy body especially your kidneys . This is because , an avocado is one of the foods that contain a very high source of fiber . So for a healthy kidney , begin to love an avocado from now .
  • Mustard greens . This is one kind of vegetables consumed are very good to keep your liver in order to function optimally . Other meals are very good for nourishing the liver under the red and white onions , cabbage , soy and red wine .
  • Dark chocolate , This is one very good food to keep your blood pressure remains normal . So for those of you who are afraid of the rise and fall of blood pressure , start eating dark chocolate .
  • Pomegranate , the fruit plays a major role in helping to prevent skin damage caused by ultraviolet light . In addition , this fruit plays a major role in warding off the attacks of various types of cancer that can harm your body

So this post about  Best Food For Your Body. may be useful.
More aboutBest Food For Your Body

How to remove acne scars on face

Diposting oleh Unknown on Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013

     How to remove acne scars on face - Acne is a problem, especially when entering adulthood. Usually people become insecure due to acne problems. For those who have oily skin are usually easy to experience spotty, as it is for those who have oily skin are advised to further keep the face clean and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

There are some tips that acne does not leave marks on the face :

  • Avoid the face of direct sunlight, since the sun contains ultraviolet rays that can damage the skin tissue on the face thus causing acne.
  • Wash face with clean water at least twice a day because in addition to eliminating the dirt on the skin also can keep the water clean for the regeneration of skin moisture.
  • Diligent cleaning your face with a facial cleanser that is widely available in beauty stores, but choose a cleanser that fits your skin type.
  • Avoid the habit of solving acne especially with hands and utensils that are not hygienic, because it can cause inflammation and infections that aggravate acne, acne break the habit but it can damage the skin tissue.

How to remove acne scars naturally:

Honey and egg white, honey is best used to cure facial beauty and also the egg whites are also useful to remove dark spots and acne scars.
Papaya contains an enzyme that works to reduce inflammation caused by acne, use a face mask that can serve to eliminate acne scars, remove excess oil on the face, open pores are clogged due to impurities and dead skin cells regenerate, how crushed papaya until lebut then apply evenly to the face and leave for 15 minutes.
Lemon juice and rose water, apply it on your face and leave for 15 minutes then rinse with cold water. Cinnamon powder and honey, cinnamon crushed to a powder and mix with honey and apply on your face and leave it a few hours then rinse.

previuos post :

Tips for healthy living
How to naturally healthy diet is the most effective
More aboutHow to remove acne scars on face

How to naturally healthy diet is the most effective

Diposting oleh Unknown

    How to naturally healthy diet is the most effective - Diet sometimes become the choice of many people to be slim.diet sometimes become the choice of many people to be slim. but to know whether you are the safest diet for health? I will discuss about how to most effective diet . 
1. Always choose water. One of the best ways to lose 3 pounds in a week is to choose white water all the time. Of course, no doubt that a diet of water is the best choice than soda, coffee, or even fruit juice. Water is the best way without calorie diet, making the body stay hydrated and protect you from thirst. Also, the water consumption is normal, you will get your metabolism improvement.
 2. Switch to complex carbohydrates. Brown rice is one of the best sources of complex carbohydrates. By eating brown rice as breakfast, you will get a consistent energy. Because brown rice will last a long time in the digestive system. In addition, add the consumption of foods your diet with vegetables and fruits to get vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Avoid refined carbohydrates especially various kinds of white bread and better switching to wheat bread.
 3. Reduce salt intake. Too much sodium is not good. You can hold water in the body if it does not reduce the consumption of sodium in the diet. In fact, the Japanese have a diet that did not should consume salt. This method proved successful, they can lose weight up to 5 kg in one week.
 4. Stay away from any foods cause fat. To succeed in a fast diet program, are required to avoid ice cream, candy, soft drinks, junk food, and drinks with high sugar content. There is one way that can make you successfully implement such a system, the power of motivation. If you really expect to lose weight by 3 kg, then be consistent and never retrace lust for food is delicious.
 5. Your daily calories should not count in detail about his daily calories. However, as the best way, make sure the amount of your daily calories are in a normal condition. How do I? Eat low-calorie foods, especially fruits and vegetables, avoid high-fat meats, and refined carbohydrates.5. Your daily calories should not count in detail about his daily calories. However, as the best way, make sure the amount of your daily calories are in a normal condition. How do I? Eat low-calorie foods, especially fruits and vegetables, avoid high-fat meats, and refined carbohydrates.

and also some ways a natural diet is usually done through such drinks: 

fruit juice, very good for the diet because it contains a lot of vitamins and antioxidants. 
Green Tea, best done in the morning to dissolve fat in the body. 
Coconut water, can help prevent weight gain. Vegetable juice, helps the body's metabolism and aid digestion. 
Yoghurt, beneficial to scrape the fat and streamline obese waist circumference. Water therapy, is very good to help the diet.and also some ways a natural diet is usually done through such drinks: fruit juice, very good for the diet because it contains a lot of vitamins and antioxidants. 
Green Tea, best done in the morning to dissolve fat in the body. Coconut water, can help prevent weight gain. 
Vegetable juice, helps the body's metabolism and aid digestion. Yoghurt, beneficial to scrape the fat and streamline obese waist circumference. Water therapy, is very good to help the diet.

so this post about How to naturally healthy diet is the most effective . may be useful.
More aboutHow to naturally healthy diet is the most effective

Tips for healthy living

Diposting oleh Unknown on Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

     Tips for healthy living - Health is very importantbecause of the support of its daily needs for both physical and spiritual. with a healthy body, we can run smoothly from day to day life, and how to maintain our health?

Tips for healthy living

Sometimes, many people think that hassle of healthy living. From diet was so heavy because it already imagine what the food should not be consumed and should prepare food that is not often preferred. Better yet if observed, food can be fun. Healthy life can be without a load.

Here are five ways that you can do to get a healthy :

1. Calculate food color
Most people always see the number of calories in food. From now on, also consider what kind of colors contained in a serving of food. As with any type of vegetables are consumed in one day. Do not let the food consumed too "pasty" no colorful vegetables in it. The other colors of vegetables consumed, the better, because the sign of antioxidants, vitamins and fiber that consumed even more as well.

2. Food Distraction
In addition to eating three meals a day is enough, also need a snack. Usually, this snack can be consumed to 10 hours or 16 hours. This is to avoid the stomach is too empty and hungry, it makes you crazy when the meal arrives. This snack can be a whole grain crackers or biscuits, vegetables bus amenjaga Peruta remain vacant.

3. Develop small fiber
Enough fiber at breakfast will make a full stomach until lunch time. This can be overcome by eating cereal or oatmeal combined with pieces of fruit such as bananas and strawberries. If you can not eat cereal, bread could be his successor. Choose bread made of wheat flour, and mix with peanut butter or fruit jam.

4. Silent Power Hungry
If you are among those who can not endure hunger, always make sure there are snacks in your fridge. Snacks are healthy snacks like fruit that can reduce your hunger. Such as apples, papayas, bananas, strawberries, peaches, etc..

5. Control Yourself
In addition to the type of food consumed, the most important thing in management, it's you. How can we control the entry and any food that might curb consumption of these foods if it is considered excessive. Self-discipline to make healthy diet successfully undertaken.

   So my post on Tips for healthy living can be useful. Healthy living is easy . see the next post ..
More aboutTips for healthy living

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