How to cope with toothache naturally

Diposting oleh OL Shop on Jumat, 20 September 2013

     How to cope with toothache naturally - In previous posts I have discussed about - How to Increase Weight Rapidly and this time I will discuss about  How to cure toothache ,

probably many of you who know , because this disease is one of the very common disease suffered by the public . Most communities , especially Indonesia had never had the name sedah ​​toothache and many say that the toothache would indeed be very disturbing . However , there is still much worse than a toothache , because the song was a state that is better than the toothache hurt right?
Return discussed about how to cure toothache , it turns out you can do not only with the use of chemical drugs such as mefenamic acid or pain relievers others . You can also take advantage of some of the ingredients that are around if . Well, then how do I treat the toothache ? On occasion this time admin will share info about how to treat toothache . If you are interested , please refer to the following description .

How to Treat Pain Naturally cavities


Obviously this material is familiar to you all because this material can easily be found in the kitchen . Salt is one of the compulsory condiment used in cooking , has a distinctive flavor that is very salty . You can use salt in the way of treating toothache is by dissolving the salt in a glass of water then you use to rinse his mouth . To a solution of this salt you should not swallow , use only a dessert course .

Basically cause tooth pain is due to an infection caused by the bacteria in the teeth and therefore , you can take advantage starfruit starfruit because in itself it contains antibacterial substances . You can do this the way to treat toothache by chewing starfruit with a pinch of salt , use a tooth ache to chew . It was initially would appear incredible pain , but after feeling pain will slowly disappear .


One of these herbs can also help relieve your dental pain . In addition , red onion also took part in eradicating the bacteria that grow in the mouth you . You can take advantage of this onion with shallots chew using your teeth are sore .


In addition to the red onion , garlic it can be utilized in a way to treat toothache . The trick was almost the same with the garlic munching use your teeth are sore and you should know , garlic has been able to increase the strength of your teeth you know.

Well , that's a brief description on how to give admin can treat toothache . Hopefully can provide benefits for you especially at this time had a toothache , hopefully a speedy recovery