How to Cure Shortness of Breath

Diposting oleh Unknown on Kamis, 12 September 2013

   How to Cure Shortness of Breath - Shortness of breath is a difficulty in breathing while activities especially activities that require a lot of power. Shortness of breath could be dangerous if not taken seriously can even cause death.

Shortness of breath can be the beginning of the arrival of other diseases such as asthma and blood clot in the lungs. Shortness of breath also called dyspnea appearance with sometimes unexpected, unusual shortness of breath come when the weather is cold. Shortness of breath is also sometimes caused by pregnancy.

Shortness of breath can affect anyone, young children, elderly or young shortness of breath is a disease that takes a long time to heal, especially for acute shortness of breath already. Acute shortness of breath that can result in the sufferer has to be no appetite and make the body becomes weak, and not able to work just like everyone else.

Here there is an easy recipe to cure shortness of breath that can be done at home:

How to Cure Shortness of breath is the first with lemon.

How provide one lemon, two onions, a chicken egg, one tablespoon of coffee, a piece of rock candy.

Do I take the juice squeezed lime juice, grated onion and mixed with eggs range chickens, coffee and sugar cubes. Hot water then mix all the ingredients are mixed then stir it into flat and filtered. Drink filtered water every morning after breakfast earlier.

How to Cure Shortness of Breath latter uses lemongrass.

The trick ten stalks lemongrass take the washing up and then boiled with two glasses of water. Braised lemongrass mixed with brown sugar to taste. Wait until the cooking water had left a cup and then removed. Strain before drinking.